At the south of Howrah Bridge (Rabindra Setu) behind the Flower Market Ramchandra Goenka Bathing Ghat for Jenana (Ladies) is situated. This magnificent edifice has Islamic Architecture with Islamic Dome with gorgeous tiles inside. Some of these are still exist but is in ruin.

Some glimpse of outside and inside is here with this post. A recently discovered photo (in a shoebox at the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland (RCAHMS) in Edinburgh, Scotland, have revealed spectacular vignettes of Kolkata's colonial past) of Chotulal’s ghat, a sideview of the then Ramchandra Goenka Bathing Ghat for Jenana can be seen. Now the structure is in neglected condition with full of garbage here and there. Some people using as a storage place of flowers. It is difficulties to approach to ghat due to Flower Market. Presently situation is that there is no clear approach from Strand Bank Road. Moreover it seems that now no one come to this Ghat for Bathing. This declared heritage edifice needs immediate restoration for the sake of its history and architectural importance.
A rier view of Ram Chandra Goenka Ghat, one of the photographs from the collection. Copyright: RCAHMS EDINBURGH
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